Complaints Procedure
Evergreen Africa is committed to delivering a high standard of service to anyone who engages with our work.
We are keen to hear from anyone who believes we have fallen short of the high standards we set ourselves. You can provide your feedback by contacting us however you wish.
We will acknowledge and provide an initial response to your feedback within 10 working days of receiving it. Whilst we expect to be able to resolve most complaints within that timeframe, if we need to conduct a more in-depth investigation, we will aim to provide you with a full response within 20 working days. If we are unable to meet that deadline due to exceptional circumstances, we will of course let you know.
If you are not happy with the response you receive, you can escalate your concerns to:
The Chair of the Board of Trustees
Evergreen Africa
McPherson’s Ltd
5th Floor Telecom House
125 -135 Preston Road
who will consider the matter in more detail.
If your complaint is about our fundraising activities and we are unable to resolve it to your satisfaction, you can ask the Fundraising Regulator, the regulator for fundraising in the UK, to consider it by:
- submitting your complaint through the Fundraising Regulator website
- emailing the Fundraising Regulator
- writing to Fundraising Regulator, 2nd floor, CAN Mezzanine Building, 59-51 East Road, London N1 6AH, or
- calling – 0300 999 3407
Evergreen Africa is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and we agree to abide by its decisions. Please note that the Fundraising Regulator can only consider complaints received within 3 months of the original incident.
The Fundraising Regulator will investigate your complaint within 20 working days of receiving it and if you are not satisfied with its conclusions, you can request that their Board of Directors look at it again. Their decision will be made within 60 calendar days, will be final and will be made public.